5 essential tools for the maintenance of your electric scooter

Herramientas mantenimiento básico scooter eléctrico

The maintenance of the scooter is essential for its maintenance, here we leave you a list of the 5 basic products that should not be missing in your toolbox. Cleaning KIT Set of Combined Keys Set of Folding Allen Wrenches Electric air pump WD-40 Multipurpose Product lubricant aerosol   We recommend basic maintenance such as […]

How to choose your electric scooter in 2022

Como elegir Scooter

he electric scooter is much more than a simple skate, it has come to change mobility, it has become a practical and sustainable means of mobility in cities throughout Mexico, helping to reduce pollution in short trips. And why does the electric scooter have more and more followers? Well, because it is a means of transport with […]

All about Honeywhale C1 Pro, Bogist C1 PRO Shock Absorbers

Honeywhale C1 Pro, Bogist C1 PRO, Todo sobre los Amortiguadores

You want to know the reason for the shock absorbers of your electric scooter because sometimes they feel very rigid and maybe you can think that they do not work, I leave you this great video that gives a masterful explanation, in the same way I invite you to visit your channel where you will […]

Uses electric scooters

Electric scooters are practical devices, used on a daily basis to transport us to work to go on an errand even for a fun ride. But nevertheless for its great autonomy, speed and power, the most modern electric scooters can perform other types of functions. At HONEY WHALE we have several types of scooter with different performance […]