Usos prácticos scooter eléctrico honey whale

Electric scooters are practical devices, used on a daily basis to transport us to work to go on an errand even for a fun ride.

But nevertheless for its great autonomy, speed and power, the most modern electric scooters can perform other types of functions.

At HONEY WHALE we have several types of scooter with different performance characteristics, speed and power.

Due to their powerful motor and great autonomy our electric scooters can perform transfer functions in different types of environments for example.

1.- A security guard needs to move quickly from one place to another over long distances running is not an option, moving quickly and without causing exhaustion to the crew member so that he can act properly in emergencies.

Ideal for this job we recommend the M2 and C1 model.

2.- Delivery in electric scooter, in NZ it is not very common to see people making deliveries in Scooters in other countries especially in Europe is more common than we think so this alternative has a lot of opportunity in the country, especially in regions with small to medium towns.

We consider our H2 and C1 models to be good alternatives for this task.

3.- Mobility in large industries, distribution centers, large capacity warehouses, data centers, refineries.

The rise of large resorts in Mexico increases the demand for electric scooters to improve the mobility of employees and visitors in a sustainable way.

Any of our models can cover this need 100% or be used in a complementary way with conventional mobility, but it is always advisable to have ecological and sustainable alternatives.

4.- Recreational uses, we know that skates are excellent to spend some time of adrenaline and fun but their uses are not limited to that there are different sports or outdoor activities in which your electric scooter can give you support or coverage in more relaxing activities.

Any of our models can cover this need most of our scooters have 3 speed modes being the eco the most suitable speed for outdoor activities that do not require so much speed or stress to the engine.

And you that use you give or would give to your electric scooter we are happy to read your comments.

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