ECO Range Scooters

ECO range scooters are our entry category, do not underestimate them, they are the best in the segment, not only for their price and quality, but for the support of specialists to others, one of the great advantages over other suppliers is that here we provide support and we have a constant assortment of spare […]

The future of electric mobility in New Zealand

Scooter electrico c1 pro negro honey whale

El futuro de la movilidad eléctrica en México parece brillante a medida que más personas recurren a este tipo de vehículos para sus desplazamientos diarios. Los precios son cada vez más asequibles, y esto podría conducir a un aumento en el número de personas que utilizan vehículos eléctricos frente a los tradicionales. Esto podría resultar en un ambiente más limpio para todos los que viven en México.

How to take care of your electric scooter?

Due to their size, weight and range, electric scooters are perfect for short journeys. But today we will talk about how to take care of an electric scooter so that everything works properly and to avoid, as far as possible, that overnight it fails or breaks a part. If you are thinking of buying one […]